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Body Basics by Candz
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Body Basics by Candz
We focus on pure, natural, additive free products giving you top class quality at affordable prices.

With over 18 years in operation, I have hand selected the finest ingredients in the world and offer the very best natural products available. With an emphasis on health and Gluten Free, the range of products are building blocks for your body.
My 9year old son and I have Celiac disease so during the journey I have learn't and researched extensively and have so much knowledge and personal experience to share with those going through similar challenges. The products I develop are specially formulated with our personal needs in mind.

Helping people to heal themselves
Fempreneurs is an amazing way for us to uplift individuals and come to one store and know that you are making a difference in not only a home grown business but you are helping a family or families live their best lives, or try too!

Professor Emma Morris - Her research covering new aspects of immune therapy and inherited immunodeficiencies is ground breaking. The life changing treatments now available to patients opens up a whole new scope of options.

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