Coco-chili Culinary herbs collection


Organic Coco-chili Culinary herbs collection includes 6 herbs. Handpicked and grown with sustainable values, we bring you more purity, flavour and potency. Your box includes Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Tarragon, Marjoram and Origanum.

Sold By: Earthling

Coco-chili Culinary herbs collection

The Coco-chili Culinary herbs collection will enhance your life with the ultimate flavour experience. You can taste the passion with which we grow our herbs.

Herbs have been valued for centuries for flavour food and medicine and has since been proven by science to be beneficial for our general well being.

A wide variety of active phytochemicals  and potent antioxidant compounds contained in these green miracles are what's responsible for the healing properties that address some of our serious health challenges. Several herbs have been proven to enhance our immune function, which in turn address a wide spectrum of diseases. Some examples of what some herbs do for us are dealing with cholesterol, blood clots and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The wider our knowledge becomes, the more prominent the realisation is that a diet with a lot of healthy fruit, veg, herbs and herbal teas helps us to live long and happy lives.

What makes our product special?

In a fast world with emphasis on turning the bucks, fake foods and adulteration, we are focussed on sustainability.

Food security is a very important reality. We don't only grow food. Its important for the future to do it  the right way. This means not harming the planet and its systems. It is also the best way to give you and me the optimum of what plants have to offer. By acting with awareness we hope to set an example for others to follow suit and create a better reality for us all. The end result of our philosophy and practice means more potency, more nutritional value and more flavour. 

In the Coco-chili Culinary herb collection box.


This herb is great in a variety of foods like roast veg or casserole. Just a tiny pinch in a pot of soup or stew makes a big difference.  You can make exciting flat breads with rosemary on top.  Slightly sprinkle fried or roasted mushrooms with it. I love infusing olives with it.  Try it in potato dishes. It's also used in hair and skin applications. Medicinally it is valuable with management of bacterial infections.


a Popular herb in Mediterranean cuisine.  You can use it in combination with any vegetables. It will give life and vibrance to any soup and used in stock making. It contains antioxidants and fights bacterial and fungal infections.


Indispensable and needs no introduction in Italian cuisine. Pizza and Origanum is a classic we all know! It's also a true asset in tomato-centric anything. Try bread with olive oil and Origanum. a herb rich in antioxidants which can help neutralise free radicals and reduce inflammation.


Popular in Mediterranean and North American cooking.  You can add it to any vegetable dish. Try a sprinkle  of marjoram the next time you make a  tomato-based dish. It's my favourite herb for salad dressing. Soup is also a great option. Bonus points of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and  antioxidant properties.


Can be used in soups and stews. The next time your bored with your veggies the usual way, add a little bit of sage. With a name originating from the Latin word "salvare" that means to "save" or "to heal" you can expect a lot in terms of medicinal properties.  To name but a few,  antimicrobial properties, is beneficial in oral health, helps a sore throat, improves brain function, and helps with menopause symptoms.


Well priced in French cuisine like the well known Béarnaise sauce. Its also a classic in salad dressing. Try it with potatoes and veggies. Medicinally it has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and is a good source of potassium.

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 20 cm


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